This article will help you to understand How to use Workbench environment in Salesforce for getting URL in REST API calls, REST Explorer panel of salesforce workbench, REST API call for fetching any data and Query understanding and pass queries with Salesforce REST API.
Workbench is a collection of tools for interacting with your Salesforce through the API. Workbench provides a friendly environment especially for Salesforce APIs, it’s the perfect way to go deeply go inside and test your API's before you’re finalized your actual code integration.
Most of the applications in our internet world are having some automatic task scheduling mechanism like email reminders, expiry notifications etc. For small-scale applications, we can do this type of functionality by running background tasks. is one of the famous libraries to schedule background tasks in .net web applications.
It was interesting topic and challenge for us, as we have never done this kind of things previously. How can we access our local active directory user on internet, that was my first question when I read the requirement from one of my client.
The asynchronous method call is a mechanism in which control execution returns directly to the next statement without waiting for the method operation execution. Every asynchronous call is associated with a dedicated thread. IIS has a limited number of application thread pools (default 5000 per CPU). IIS can handle that number of concurrent request at a time. So if you have a situation where you expect a large number of concurrent requests in a single application, asynchronous method call will be a good practice. Where synchronous call executes by occupying 5000 threads, asynchronous can perform the same task with only 50 available threads.